Brett Pierce

Cloud Engineer and Small Business Owner

Captain's Log ¬

Short-form thoughts and updates.

Since I’m not posting here as frequently, here’s some high level updates:

  • Ran Ragnar Trail NJ with some friends (Pics on IG).
  • Arlo turned 7 months (WHOA!) as of yesterday. He’s growing up so quick.
  • Created a fun little budget tracking app (on behalf of my wife) that allows you to set a budget and manually enter your spending. The want was a simple web application that didn’t require you to link a bank account. Check it out the Track That app here.
  • Wrapping up my time with my “rotation team” at AWS and going back to the ADC life. Definitely a bittersweet moment since I grew and learned so much in so little time.
  • Ellie is blossoming to become such an amazing kid. I am so excited for her to get older so I can start to take her camping and enjoy the outdoors with her.
  • Still pursuing my M.S. in Cloud Computing. Currently taking a Network Engineering course.
  • Want to really get into reading. Going to pick up one of the new Kindles to spark the interest
  • Current addition is Black Ops 6. Definitely one of the best CoD games in a while. Also helps that I’m playing with some of my day 1’s
  • I promised myself that starting November I am going to pick up my slack from NOT working out and hit it hard again. I need to!
  • Barrage800 media day is coming soon and I’m super hype to essentially “restart” the marketing and bramding
  • Sample Surplus t-shirts have landed and whoa! Super impressed with the quality and can’t wait to release them!

That’s about it. If there’s anything else, I’ll write up a new post. Good to be back on here. I will update this more often.

Whoa! It’s been a minute. Just wanted to run up a post. I’ll be updating soon with “Since the last post” type editing. Lets get it!

Started a fun little project and bought an AdaFruit MacroPad.

It was a nice and fun little introduction for me to tinker with an electronic and customize it with a little coding. I created a couple of sample macros, but overall, I’m using the macros provided by AdaFruit here; notably the Photoshop, Illustrator, and Safari ones

If I continue to do more projects, I will likely create my own projects page and will move this to that page. Until then, it’ll live here in my captain’s log.

Been a minute since I’ve really posted. The past week in summary:

  • I went back to work this week after 3 weeks of paternity leave; honestly not as bad as I expected
  • I’m annoyingly sick and I can’t wait to get over it
  • Arlo is mf 9 lbs already
  • Ellie snapped out of her mini-monster phase (whew)
  • Shot a fun promo video for Barrage800 with Jack
  • Watched Draft 1 of a craaazy video Six and Raul put together for Barrage (can NOT wait for the final cut)
  • Finished watching Fallout on Prime. Excellent series and it makes me wanna play the game
  • Going to finally get started on a little Raspberry Pi project I’ve had on the back burner pretty soon
  • Waiting to stop being annoyingly sick so I can get into a workout routine again


There is nothing I love more than being with family. The time spent with them is just irreplaceable. Something that’s just easy to take for granted.

We keep ourselves so distracted that we rarely actually have the time to hear our thoughts.

Chilling here with Arlo in my arms sleeping. Surreal feeling.
Goals this week are to go on at least 2 runs and finally do our taxes.

Can’t believe our son is about to be born soon. Beyond excited :)

“Babe wake up, Dragon’s Dogma 2 just dropped.” TTYL!

TIL frozen pineapples are the best snack.

Lots of changes at work- hoping it’s for the better, but we’ll see. Took a pause on my 100 Days of Python, but I’m ready to dive back in.

Personal: A lot of things going on at the moment (all good things!). We are prepping for the arrival of our son, Arlo and couldn’t be more excited. Prepping means moving things around and making sure everything is in place. It’s been an experience, but I’m happy with the overall results (even though I got kicked out my office and moved into the basement lol).

Work: Work is smooth sailing at the moment. Nothing to note, but there should be a big change for me in a few months (around July) which is exciting :).

Business: Barrage800 is still pending launch due to the manufacturing of the product. There is a lot in the pipeline and I’m super excited to see where this brand will go. Sample Surplus is…at a stand-still and I’m still trying to figure out what to do with the brand for the future. I would love to continue, but I am planning on getting rid of my direct-to-garment machine very soon to clear space in the garage. This will make it a little more difficult to produce ahd push shirts at a frequency I once did. Definitely something I need to decide on soon. I should probably give myself a deadline.

*This was a super long note. I’ll try to dial them back to a bullet format.

Setting up my new website. This has been a really fun process and something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now. Shoutout to Alex Carpenter for the source of his website. I’ve been looking for the perfect template to get started and this was exactly what I needed.